Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Welcome to the 2005-06 School Year!

The purpose of this blog is to serve as a back-up system for students to access homework related information when they miss a class unexpectedly (due to medical appointments, illness, office visits, etc.) and were unable to record homework in their planners. As a general rule, homework is written on the whiteboard or the overhead by the middle of class and ample time is allowed for students to copy this information onto their planners. Occasionally, homework assignments may be modified before the end of a class period, and if this happens after a student leaves for the day, checking this blog would be useful.

Both parents and students should benefit from the information posted on this blog.

Please note that this blog is not designed to replace the use of student planners, as there may be times when the homework assignment will not be posted in a timely manner (i.e. I am sick, I have afternoon and evening meetings, etc.). Students should always refer to their planners first, and use this as a method to double check. (I also encourage students to call a classmate to get information, or to call me. It's okay, and if I'm not available when called, leave a message so I know you tried!)

Most importantly, please know that I will not accept any blog-related excuses for not being able to complete and submit homework (the computer/internet was down/I forgot the address/the blog wasn't updated/etc.). Be sure to use other resources (your planner, a friend, me) should your computer connections fail you, and don't wait until late in the evening to seek help!