Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Quiz Over Linear Equations on Wednesday

Today, we reviewed how to determine the equation of a line when given the coordinates of two points located on the line. This is a review of a lesson we used the handheld computer on earlier in the month.

Tonight's homework: Lesson 5.3 (19 - 43 all)

The quiz tomorrow will be over the material we have covered in chapters 4 and 5. To prepare for it, be sure to look over the worksheets we completed last week. In addition, you should know how to calculate the slope of a line, determine the y-intercept, and write an equation in slope-intercept form. Good luck!

Those of you wishing to earn extra credit are encouraged to complete the essay about a woman who made a significant contribution to mathematics, science or engineering. I would prefer you choose a woman who made a contribution to math, but the choice is ultimately yours. This essay is due to me by Friday, January 13th.


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