Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

First Quiz Taken in Class Today--Uh Oh!

Lesson 1.5 encourages students to review how to translate mathematical expressions into English. When you can take words and translate them into mathematical expressions and equations, finding the answers to word problems can be much easier. Students should read over Lesson 1.5 prior to completing tonight's book assignment.

Students then took a quiz over sets of numbers and formulae I expect them to know. Many students scored more poorly than I would have expected, so I wonder how many actually studied the notes that were given in class. I strongly suggest you study these notes, as another quiz will be given next week.

Since Lisa was not in class, students were given an extra credit opportunity to prepare a good luck/thank you card for her. Her last day in our class will be Friday, October 6th, so all cards will need to be submitted to me by the 5th in order to receive extra credit. Remember, this is a secret! Don't let her see you turn in the cards.

Tonight's Homework:
Lesson 1.5 (15 - 52, divisible by 3, and 62 - 64, all)


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