Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Graphing Inequalities, Part 1

Students received feedback on how they scored on yesterday's test. Interestingly enough, scores were either really high or really low. Those who did not pass the test were given review sheets to use to help them prepare for the retake.

Today we looked at graphing inequalities on the coordinate plane. There are three basic steps to follow when graphing inequalities:

1. Graph the line as if it was an equality.
2. Determine whether the line should be solid or dotted. (Solid = ≤ or ≥ ; Dotted = < or > )
3. Using a test point, determine which side of the line should be shaded. (Hint: use the origin whenever possible.)

Tonight's Homework:
Complete the pink Graphing Inequalities worksheet 6. Be sure to do both sides.


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