Algebra, Period 3

Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States

Friday, June 09, 2006

Algebra's History

Today is the last day we meet as a class for the current school year. Students took a quiz where they could select which problems to complete. Of course, the class period wouldn't be complete without the periodic interruptions from the class next door. Instead of trying to ignore the class, we chose to join in!

Tonight's homework:
NONE! Enjoy the summer, and good luck in high school.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Textbook Turn In Day

Today, being 06-06-06, seemed an appropriate day to be turning in textbooks. This event took way longer than it should have, but no parents were available to help with the process, leaving Margot to do this by herself. Because of this, plans were changed for class. The result will be that we WILL NOT be taking a final test over chapter 11. (Don't be too sad, now!)

Tonight's homework: Complete the problem solving worksheet about throwing dice.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Dividing Polynomials

The goal of today's lesson is to actually divide one polynomial by another polynomial. To get started, we began by reviewing how to divide, and then how to divide by a monomial. Next, we began dividing with binomials, and looked at examples that did and did not have remainders.

Tonight's homework: Lesson 11.7 (15 - 26, FCO, and 27-31, odd) We will be turning in textbooks tomorrow, so bring your book to class!

Friday, June 02, 2006

One More Try at Adding and Subtracting

Because students were experiencing difficulty with Thursday night's homework, we took half a step back and reviewed how to do these types of problems again.

Tonight's homework:
Lesson 11.6 (12 - 31, LCO, and 32-33)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions

Well, just when you thought math couldn't get much more complicated, it has! Today, we reviewed how to add fractions, and then upped the ante by making the fractions have polynomial numerators and denominators. The process is exactly like adding regular fractions, but requires concentration and a little space.

For those of you who missed class on Thursday, please be sure to read Lesson 11.6 before starting the homework. It will point out several of the main sticking points I reviewed in class, and may save you from making some silly mistakes!

Tonight's homework: Lesson 11.6 (10 - 30, first column only)

P.S. Robert, where are you? You have been missed. Liz, come back soon. And meow boy, be sure to get some make up work done!