Algebra, Period 3

Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States

Friday, September 28, 2007

Chapter 1 Test Day

Students spent the period taking the chapter one test.

Tonight's Homework:
None, but students could get the orange sheet of paper signed by a parent and return the bottom strip to class on Monday to receive extra credit.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Chapter 1 Test is Tomorrow

Students received an itemized list of what to expect to see on tomorrow's test. This would be a great list to use while studying for tonight's test.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the odd problems on page 57. Completing the even problems is optional, and can earn you extra credit.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wrapping Up Chapter 1

We reviewed how to write mathematical expressions from English phrases by working with a partner. We will be taking the chapter 1 test on Friday, so we will review the chapter today and tomorrow.

Tonight's Homework: Pages 54 - 56, odd problems. Doing the even problems will earn you some extra credit.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

An Introduction to Functions

Students were introduced to the vocabulary used to describe functions. Specific definitions for the words function, domain and range can be found in Lesson 1.7. It is important to remember that in order for an equation to be a function, every input must have a unique output.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 1.7 ( 4 - 6 , 10 - 18 ) and the triangle worksheet.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Translating Words into Mathematical Expressions and Equations

There are many ways to imply "addition" when writing or saying something. Our class generated a list of at least a dozen ways to do so. We generated lists of sayings for implying "subtraction" and "multiplication", as well. Our list for division was much shorter. These expressions will help students when they attempt to translate written words into mathematical expressions, equations, and inequalities.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 1.5 ( 14 - 52, even )

Friday, September 21, 2007

Shorter Class Today

Our class was shorter today, due to the Magazine Drive kickoff assembly. Students completed their second quiz in class. We discussed how to tackle the Growing Dots problem that was assigned for homework.

Tonight's Homework:
Complete the Growing Dots WS for Monday.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Today's lesson is mainly a review of how to make and read graphs. We also are once again practicing how to use a Venn diagram to solve some problems.

Tonight's Homework:
Complete the second Venn diagram sheet, and do Lesson 1.6 ( 12 - 20 and 22 - 27 ). Remember to study for tomorrow's quiz over problem solving, formulae, and vocabulary.

Hey, Chris--I gave you the wrong number for the worksheet--it's 20%, not 10%. That should help you a lot!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Venn Diagrams and More Vocabulary

After reviewing yesterday's vocabulary, we added 3 more words to the list: (rational numbers, irrational numbers and real numbers). Next, we reviewed how Venn diagrams work by collecting data about our classmates. This allowed us to get up and move around, which was a welcome change for most of us.

Tonight's Homework:
Complete Quiz 1 and Quiz 2 on pages 22 and 39. Also complete the Venn Diagram worksheet. Remember, there's a quiz in class on Friday, September 21st. Start studying now!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Equalities and Inequalities

Vocab, vocab, vocab! Today, we wrote down the definitions for several words. Some of the words related to lesson 1.4, while others were definitions for different groups of numbers. We also looked at ways to solve the Teddy Bear problem in such a way that we could predict the minimum number of moves for any level of the problem ( n times n+2 ).

Tonight's Homework: Complete problems 3 and 4 on the brown worksheet. Also complete 1.4 ( 14 - 53, FCO and 57 - 67, odd )

Monday, September 17, 2007

Order Of Operations

We reviewed order of operations today--PEMDAS, an acronym standing for "Parentheses, Exponents, Multiply, Divide, Add, Subtract" can help you remember the proper order to perform operations in multi-step problems.

Students received their first weekly grade slip today. In addition, quizzes from Friday were returned.

Tonight's Homework:
Get your grade slip signed. Read Lesson 1.3, and then complete the following problems: 1.3 ( 17 - 38, FCO, and 43 - 55, odd )

P.S. Hi, Grace! Hope you had a safe trip.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Quiz and Ice Cream--A Great Way to End the Week!

We took our very first quiz today, and did so in style by enjoying ice cream treats that our class won in a random drawing. This was a nice way to take the edge off a potentially stressful situation, but don't expect treats with every quiz!

Tonight's Homework:
Figure out the minimum number of moves it takes to complete levels 1 - 5 on the Teddy Bear Slide and Jump activity. Then look for a pattern and try to predict the minimum number of moves it will take to complete the task on the nth level.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Powers and Exponents

After reviewing the definition of base, exponent and power, we discussed the meaning of evaluating expressions, and how to do that efficiently. We went over how to prepare for tomorrow's quiz, and what to expect to see on it.

Tonight's Homework: Study formulae for tomorrow's quiz. Also, read lesson 1.2. Do 1.2 ( 17 - 58 FCO, and 63 - 68, excluding 67).

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Using Formulae to Solve Problems

We reviewed the three basic steps I will require of students when they are solving problems that require the use of a formula. These steps include:
*State the formula in equation form
*Show all numeric substitutions
*Solve the problem and box in the answer
We also talked about how tables and models can help us when using the guess, check and refine/resolve problem solving strategy.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the "Guess and Check" worksheet. In addition, read pages 3-5, and complete problems 19 - 31 odd, 32, and 50 - 68 all from Lesson 1-1 in the text book.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Textbook Checkout Day

Students received their algebra books today, and were instructed to take them home and leave them there for the time being. The school has enough extra copies of the text so we can have a set of books available in the classroom for students to use. This ought to make student backpacks lighter, and backs happier!

Tonight's Homework: Complete the worksheet that deal with making pictures and/or models as a problem solving strategy. This is due on Wednesday, 9/12.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Working Backwards and Making Lists

We reviewed area and perimeter formulae that students will need to know in this class. There will be a quiz over these formulae on Friday, September 14th.

There are many problem solving strategies that can be used to help students solve problems. Today, we reviewed two of them: Working Backwards and Making Systematic Lists.

Tonight's Homework:
Complete the Working Backwards and Making Systematic Lists worksheets. Be sure to show all of your work in order to receive full credit.

Friday, September 07, 2007

More Problem Solving Today

Students turned in their signed course description and "Missed Algebra?" sheets today. We then reviewed the "Math on the Spot" strategies that might have been discovered.

The bulk of the class period was spent on two triangle problems--one summing to 12, and another one summing to 20. Students turned in the first problem, and were instructed to finish the sum to 20 problem for Monday's class.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the triangle problem for Monday. Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Math On The Spot

Students spent the class period working on Math on the Spot problems. Students were asked to complete the first problem (using the digits 1-6) and then choose one of the 4 options (a-d) listed on the page. The important part of the assignment is to explain how you know you've found all of the solutions.

Tonight's Homework: Read and sign the "Algebra Course Description" and "Missed Algebra Class?" sheets. Have your parents do the same. Finish the Math on the Spot worksheet, if you did not already complete it in class today. All of this is due on Friday, September 7th.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Welcome to the 2007-2008 School Year!

The purpose of this blog is to serve as a back-up system for students to access homework related information when they miss a class unexpectedly (due to medical appointments, illness, office visits, etc.) and were unable to record homework in their planners. As a general rule, homework is written on the whiteboard or the overhead by the middle of class and ample time is allowed for students to copy this information onto their planners. Occasionally, homework assignments may be modified before the end of a class period, and if this happens after a student leaves for the day, checking this blog would be useful.

Both parents and students should benefit from the information posted on this blog.

Please note that this blog is not designed to replace the use of student planners, as there may be times when the homework assignment will not be posted in a timely manner (i.e. I am sick, I have afternoon and evening meetings, etc.). Students should always refer to their planners first, and use this as a method to double check. (I also encourage students to call a classmate to get information, or to call me. It's okay, and if I'm not available when called, leave a message so I know you tried!)

Most importantly, please know that I will not accept any blog-related excuses for not being able to complete and submit homework (the computer/internet was down/I forgot the address/the blog wasn't updated/etc.). Be sure to use other resources (your planner, a friend, me) should your computer connections fail you, and don't wait until late in the evening to seek help!