Algebra, Period 3

Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States

Monday, November 30, 2009

Functions and Function Notation

We covered information found in Lesson 4.8 in the textbook today. Functions are defined as relationships where there is only one output (or y value) for every input (x value). After looking at many examples of functions and non-functions, it appeared as though students understood this concept. We also talked about how function notation differs from function form of an equation.

Students had about 25 minutes in class to put the final touches on their presentations. Presentations will begin tomorrow, and continue through the rest of the week.

Tonight's Homework: Finish your paper and presentation. Do Lesson 4.8 ( 11 - 19, and 20 - 40, even ).

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today's class was devoted to allowing students to work on their absolute value presentations. These presentations will begin on Tuesday, December 1st.

Tonight's Homework: Nothing really, since nothing is due on Monday. However, remember that your paper about your variable in the absolute value equation is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, December 1, and will not be accepted late. For those wishing to earn extra credit, you may write about the other variables that you are NOT investigating. Please note: You will only receive extra credit if you have passed all 6 of the concept tests that have been given so far this trimester.

Have a wonderful vacation, and be safe!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Absolute Value Presentation Work Session

Students reviewed vocabulary related to absolute value functions, and focussed on the definition of the y-intercept. The majority of today's class period was devoted to allowing groups to develop their oral presentations for their absolute value projects.

Tonight's Homework: Try to finish your final draft of the paper about your variable. It isn't due until Dec. 1st, but it will not be accepted late. Also, if you promised your group you'd do something for tomorrow, be sure to do it!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Fire Drill Shortens Class

We reviewed more about the equation for the line of symmetry. Students received grade slips, and were reminded to come in to retake concept tests, if needed, so as to avoid getting an "incomplete" marked on their report cards on December 5th.

Students worked in their groups today. Students were encouraged to compare their results from Absolute Value WS 4, as well as the conclusions they came up with. Each student selected a variable (a, b, c, or d) to report on. Students were given a handout that described a written aspect of their group project. Though the writing is not due until December 1st, students were encouraged to get the bulk of this writing done tonight, as the presentation part will be assigned in class tomorrow.

Tonight's Homework: Work on the essay about your variable's effect on the shape of the graph of the absolute value function.

P.S. Hi, David and Margo! I hope you arrived safely in Italy and Virginia. Send me an e-mail so I can send you a copy of the expectations I shared with your classmates today. Have fun, and enjoy your time away from Eugene!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Investigating How Absolute Value Functions Change

Today, we formally added vocabulary terms about absolute value functions to our notes. These terms will also assist us as we learn about linear functions and parabolas. The terms we focussed on included maximum, minimum, vertex, line of symmetry, coefficient and constant.

After this, we formed groups of four to begin work on a project that will extend into the next week or so. Students were challenged to create their own equations to determine how the addition of a constant to the absolute value equation will change the graph of the function. Students were encouraged to only change one variable in their investigation, and come up with between 5 and 10 equations of their own to graph as they tried to discover the pattern.

Tonight's Homework: Complete Absolute Value WS 4

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mr. Tromba Visits Our Class

Today's class was shortened by the OMSI assembly. Mr. Tromba filled in for me, and returned Concept 5 tests to students. He was thrilled with the results, and commented on how well most students did. He shared the test statistics with the class, and then collected the tests so the concept test police don't come after us.

He reviewed the homework with students and then collected it. The class had a discussion about how absolute value might be used in the real world, and was impressed with two of the ideas students shared. Class ended around 2, as students moved to the gym to see the OMSI assembly.

Tonight's Homework: None!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Good News for Students!

Students took the test over concept 5 material in class today. Most finished early enough that they were able to begin on tonight's homework. The good news is that we are done taking concept tests for this trimester!!!

Tonight's Homework: Wear yellow to school on Thursday. Complete both sides of the absolute value worksheet you received in class today.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Graphing Absolute Value Functions

Students created tables of values to represent 6 different absolute value functions. For each function, students also created a graph of the ordered pairs to represent the function. Lastly, students studied the graphs to determine the similarities and differences between the functions and their graphs. Students stated their findings in well-constructed sentences.

Tonight's Homework: Study for Concept Test 5, which will be given in class tomorrow. Also complete the second worksheet you received in class today about graphing absolute value functions.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Reviewing for Concept Test 5

We reviewed the practice test for concept 5. Students received weekly grade slips. We graphed a couple of equations on the handheld equations and learned how to use the "Trace/Eval" feature to determine the x and y coordinates of certain points on the line.

Tonight's Homework: Page 225 (All problems). This week's test will be given on Wednesday, November 18th.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Football Integers Work Sample

After reviewing last night's homework, students used the rest of the period to solve the "Football Integers" work sample problem. Those who finished early were allowed to get started on tonight's homework.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the practice test for Concept 5. The test over Concept 5 material will be given on Wednesday, November 18th, not Tuesday as I announced yesterday.

For those who missed class on Friday, please plan to come in for lunch on Monday or stay after school on Monday to complete the work sample.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Writing Equations in Function Form

Today we talked about using a table of values to help determine which ordered pairs (points) lie on the line described by an equation involving two variables. Students were encouraged to use x = 0 as one of their values when creating a table of values, as well as other strategic points that make determining the y value somewhat simple.

Sometimes, it is useful to write the equation in function form. The definition of function form means that the equation starts with "y = ". I have encouraged students to list the x term directly after the equal sign, so as to establish a habit that will benefit them as we learn more about slope and intercepts.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 4.2 ( 30 - 50 )

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

No School--It's Veteran's Day!

There was no school today, due to it being Veteran's Day. See you on Thursday!

Tonight's Homework:
Nothing new, but remember, Thursday is the last day to turn in missing work from the first nine weeks of the trimester.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Coordinate Graphing Details

We looked at the results from yesterday's test. Most students did very well--congratulations!

After going over last night's homework, we discussed vocabulary related to the coordinate grid. The following terms were reviewed:
*x-axis and x-intercept
*y-axis and y-intercept
*quadrants (with Roman numeral notation)
*independent (or controlled) variable (found on the x-axis)
*dependent (or responding) variable (found on the y-axis)
*correlation (positive, negative, no correlation)
*general trends of a set of data

We talked about how to write an equation in different forms (solving for x or solving for y). We'll look more at this on Thursday.

Tonight's Homework:
Read Lesson 4.2 and do 4.2 ( 12 - 20, 52 - 55 )

Monday, November 09, 2009

Another Concept Test is History (That Makes 5)!!!!

Students took the concept test over writing equations for story (word) problems today. There was an incredible amount of writing being done during class today, and I predict pretty high scores today. Time will tell . . .

Tonight's Homework: Read page 205. Then do Lesson 4.1 ( 10 - 26 and 42 - 51 ).

Friday, November 06, 2009

Tony and the Donut Shop Problem

Students were given a single problem to solve in class today, and were urged to follow the problem solving steps we've been using in class.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 3.3 ( 64, 66 ) and number 10 on page 152. Be sure to study for Monday's concept test.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Two-Step Word Problems

Today we looked at problems that required us to find several things before finding the final answer. The same process applies to solving these kinds of problems, but they just take a bit longer to complete. Using pictures can sometimes help you visualize what you are doing.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the pink "Two Step Equations" worksheet (2 problems), and then do Lesson 3.3 ( 9, 50 - 55 ). Start preparing for the test we'll take over solving word problems on Monday, November 9th.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Solving Problems with Fractions

Not all story problems use whole number coefficients, so we talked about how to solve problems that include fractional coefficients. Students were reminded of strategies they can use to make problems with fractions easier to complete (clear the fractions by multiplying by a constant, multiplying by the reciprocal, or converting fractions to decimals).

Tonight's Homework: Complete the "Problems with Fractions" worksheet and the practice test for the concept 4 test.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Setting Up Variable Equations

To ensure students will experience success when setting up equations for word problems, we went over the steps for reading a problem and gleaning the important information from it. We learned how to choose meaningful variables to represent what we're trying to determine, and state them in a mathematical way (Let m = number of miles traveled, for instance). Once the problem is solved, students should get into the habit of checking their answers to see that they are correct, and that they have the correct labels.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the worksheet you started in class, and be sure to include each of the steps. Also, do Lesson 3.1 ( 45 - 49 and 56 - 59 ).