Algebra, Period 3

Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States

Friday, May 28, 2010

Odds and Ends Before a Long Weekend!

Students received their results for the last concept test today. After reviewing the tests, students learned if they had completed the requirements for earning high school credit for the class. Most students received a letter to take home and get a parent signature on to indicate whether high school credit was desired. Students determined their overall test average in class today.

Tonight's Homework:
Bring your algebra book to class on Tuesday, June 1st, so you can turn it in!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

No More Concept Tests!!!

Students took concept test 15 today, and most were able to pass it. This means that most students are done taking concept tests, and have completed the requirements to earn one high school credit for math. Way to go!

Tonight's Homework: None. Be sure to bring your book to class on Tuesday, June 1st.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dividing Polynomials

Students reviewed how to divide fractions, and applied this knowledge to the introductory steps of dividing polynomials. The new step includes identifying values for variables that will not work (values that make the denominator zero).

Students had about half an hour to complete the application portion of the 15th concept test.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the yellow Fraction Review worksheet.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Closing In On The Last Concept Test Of The School Year!

We reviewed how to set up problems from last night's homework. Students who did not complete all of the problems last night were instructed to finish them over the weekend. Students received a copy of the practice test for concept 15, and had a few minutes to look through it before calling it a day.

Tonight's Homework: Complete all problems on the practice test for concept 15. The test will be given on Thursday, May 27th.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Applying Polynomial Computation to Real Life Situations

Students had the majority of the class period to work on computing with polynomials. Some people used their time more wisely than others, and were able to get nearly every question answered.

Tonight's Homework: Page 824 ( 1 - 11 )

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Problem Solving Using Quadratics

Students were given two problems to solve today, and were instructed to solve each problem 3 different ways. Using factoring, the quadratic formula, and graphing the equation are the ways I expect students to solve each problem. When done correctly, students should come up with the same answer for a particular problem.

Tonight's Homework: Complete both sides of the purple problem solving worksheet, and be sure each of the three ways is clearly expressed.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Factoring Special Products

We looked at two special types of quadratic polynomials today. The first special case is called the Perfect Square Trinomial Pattern, and takes the form of ax^2 + bx + c, where a and c are both perfect squares. The second special case takes the form of ax^2 - c, and both a and c are again perfect square numbers. These types of problems are examples of the Difference of Two Squares Patter. Please refer to the green box on page 619 for more on these two patterns.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 10.7 ( 18 - 48, FCO and 59-60 )

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Factoring Out Monomials

With a third of the class gone today to the district track meet or choir festival, we spent the first part of the class period cleaning out our notebooks. Afterwards, we learned how to factor out monomials from trinomials and polynomials. The class realized this is much like simplifying fractions. We worked through a dozen examples and called it a day.

Tonight's Homework:
Nothing new. Be sure to get last night's homework done for Monday. Enjoy the long weekend!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Factoring Polynomials When a ≠ 1

We looked at examples of how to factor trinomials when a ≠ 1. This is tricky, as there are many pairs of factors to consider, and the placement of the plus and minus signs inside the parentheses can be tricky.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 10.6 ( 18 - 32 ). At least two of the problems cannot be factored into two binomials. Note: Because of the track meet on Thursday, this assignment will not be due until Monday, May 17th.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Concept Test 14 Taken Today

Students took the test over Concept 14 today, which covered adding, subtracting and multiplying polynomials, during class today. We have only one concept test left to conquer for the school year!

Tonight's Homework: None.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Factoring with Algebra Tiles

Students used the information from last week's activity to help them see patterns that exist between the coefficient of the x term and the constant in the standard form of a polynomial and the factors of the trinomial. It did not take long for students to recognize that "b times c" and "b plus c" were critical pieces of information to check.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the yellow worksheet you started in class today. In addition, please complete Lesson 10.5 ( 15 - 41, odd )

Friday, May 07, 2010

Talent Show Friday

Today's class was shortened due to the annual Talent Show Assembly. After reviewing homework, we looked at ways to undo the FOILing of polynomials, using algebra blocks as our guide. Students worked in pairs to build rectangles using the blocks, and recorded the dimensions of each rectangle on the paper.

Tonight's Homework: Complete both sides of the yellow worksheet. Include labeled pictures for your problems. At least 7 can be solved. Be sure to do something nice for your mother or grandmother this weekend!

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Concept 14 is Nearly Conquered

Because of the sub-district track meet taking place today, class attendance was quite light. Students who came to class explained to me what was meant by the sub's comments about being in "full mating call mode". I suspect this won't be happening again.

Students worked on the practice test for Concept 14, and most were able to complete the worksheet in class today.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the practice test for Concept 14, and be sure the gray worksheet from yesterday is completed.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Multiplying Binomials Using the FOIL Method

Students reviewed the FOIL method of multiplication today, and applied to situations where they might need to multiply a binomial by a trinomial.

Tonight's Homework: Complete both sides of the gray worksheet. I will collect it on Friday, due to many missing class on Thursday because of the sub-district track meet.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Applying Polynomial Computation to Real Life Situations

We reviewed how to add, subtract and multiply polynomials today. Several students seemed a bit rusty on how to apply the FOIL method to multiplying polynomials. We then revisited the notion of reporting answers in standard form. Lastly, we solved a problem involving the area of a pool and its deck, using polynomials as the dimensions of the rectangular forms.

Tonight's Homework: Page 596 (Quiz 1)