Algebra, Period 3

Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States

Friday, April 29, 2011

Concept Test 12 Taken in Class Today

Students completed concept 12 tests today. This leaves only 3 more tests for the school year!

Tonight's Homework:
Be sure to bring your GGG book to school on Monday.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Introducing the Quadratic Function

After reviewing last night's homework and last minute questions about the test, students used the handheld computers to graph a variety of functions of the form y = ax^2. Students recorded their findings on grid paper. Using the graphs, students were asked to answer the following questions:

--Describe the shape of the f(x) = ax^2 function.
--How does a positive "a" value change the graph of the function?
--How does a negative "a" value change the graph of the function?
--How do fractional values of "a" (0 < a < 1) change the graph of the function?
--Predict the shape of these functions: y = 1000 x^2 and y = 0.001x^2

Tonight's Homework: Study for the square root test (Concept 12). Answer the questions about the graphs of the quadratic function you started in class today.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rationalizing the Denominator, Again

Students were reminded of the process of how to rationalize the denominator when dividing radical expressions. We also reviewed the importance of simplifying the fraction, if the answer ends up being a fraction. Please refer to pages 76 and 77 of your home book for more on these two things.

Tonight's Homework: Period 2 students should complete the purple worksheet. Remember to prepare for Friday's test over radicals. Referring to pages 69 to 100 in the home book would benefit many of you as you get ready for the CT 12 test!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dividing Radical Expressions

Students reviewed a number of rational operations today in class. In second period, we emphasized what graphs of different radical equations would look like, using the handheld computers to expedite the study. In sixth period, we looked at how radical equations can help us solve a number of problems, from dropping things to calculating distances. Both classes reviewed how to divide when radicals are involved.

Tonight's Homework: Complete all problems on the green worksheet. Remember, start preparing now for Friday's test over radical expressions and equations. There's no resource on Friday, due to the Honor Roll Breakfast.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Solving Radical Equations

We combined a lot of our equation solving skills with simplifying radical expressions today, and started solving radical equations. When steps are taken one by one, it is relatively easy to solve radical equations. Emphasis was placed on solving equations step by step, and then on how to show a proper check step.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the entire practice test. The test for Concept 12 will be given on Friday, April 29th.

Note: Last day for ordering summer math packets is this Friday, April 29th.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day (and Easter, too)!

Students were give the option to select Earth Day gifts today (stickers, pencils, and bookmarks). Remember, every day can be Earth Day!

Students received their graded concept tests today. Many students did a fantastic job on this test, while a few struggled. Remember, prepare for the retake if you need to, and then make a plan to have this test retaken by the end of next week.

We reviewed how to compute with radicals today.

Tonight's Homework: Finish all problems on the pink worksheets. Don't eat too much chocolate!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Computing with Radicals

We reviewed the palm graphing of radical expressions activity sheets today. Students were able to articulate the patterns they found on each of the sheets with relative ease. We continued our exploration of computing with radicals, spending a little extra time with adding and subtracting. More on these two operations will take place on Thursday and Friday.

Tonight's Homework:
Period 2 students need to complete both sides of the pink worksheet. Period 6 students should complete page 83 (10 - 60, even) in the Home Book. Be sure to review for the rest of Concept Test 11.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Concept 11 Test, Part One

Students answered questions related to the non-calculator part of concept 11 (exponential computations and graphing of exponential functions) today in class. The rest of the test (calculator part) will be given in class on Thursday, April 21st.

Tonight's Homework:
Investigations 4.1 and 4.2 in your GGG book. Be sure to answer all questions.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Furlough Day Cancels School

Yet another day of no instruction. Be sure to review your math, so you'll be ready for Tuesday's concept test!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Graphing Radical Equations on the Palm

Students spent the period investigating how small changes in equations involving square roots of the "x" variable will impact the resulting graph.

Tonight's Homework:
Complete the two pink "Graphing Radical Equations" worksheets. If you were gone for the band field trip, be sure to come in and visit with me about what you missed.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Graphing Exponential Functions With and Without the Palm

We looked at how exponential functions show up on the coordinate plane. First, we graphed functions of this type by hand, and then used the palms to do the same thing.

Tonight's Homework: GGG pages 22 and 23 (all problems on each page). Finish the blue sheet if you did not finish it in class today.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Radical Expressions

As we finish up our study of computing with exponents, it is logical to look at "undoing exponents". The process of unsquaring a term is completed by taking the square root of the number. Please note: There are generally two answers to square root problems--a positive root and a negative one. We began our study of radicals by going over some basic terms and properties.

The concept test over exponents will be given in class on Tuesday, April 18th. Start preparing for it now.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the practice test for CT 11. Do both sides of the pink "Radical Riddle" worksheet. Get your grade slip signed, as it is an assignment today as well.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Exponential Growth and Decay

Real-world examples of how to use exponents were shared in class today. Looking at how populations of some species grow, how money earns interest, how objects depreciate in value over time were examined through the use of growth and decay formulae.

Tonight's Homework: Do both sides of the practice worksheet for concept 11. You don't need to do 8e or 8f.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Scientific Notation--Day 2

Today, we looked at ways to use scientific notation when computing. Specifically, we used the commutative property of multiplication to break numbers written in scientific notation apart so we can use the properties of exponents to simplify the problem and solve it efficiently (quickly) with a calculator.

Tonight's Homework:
Home Book, pages 38-39 (28 - 51)

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Scientific Notation--Day 1

Writing a very large number or a very small number can be simplified if you know the rules for using scientific notation. Numbers written in scientific notation have two parts:

a. The numerical part, which must be expressed as a number between 1 and 10. Note: Using a 1 is okay, but using 10 is not.
b. The power must be written using a base of 10.

Students were familiar with this notation, so the homework tonight should be fairly simple.

Tonight's Homework: GGG book, page 19 (both questions) and Home Book, pages 37-38 (1 - 26, all)

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Dividing with Exponents

Today we reviewed the process of computing with negative exponents, and then learned how to divide terms that include exponents. Once again, there are some good explanations included in the Home Book. You would be wise to take a few minutes to read these pages.

Tonight's Homework: Home Book page 32(1-44, all)

Monday, April 04, 2011

Computing with Negative Exponents

Today we looked at patterns that exist in powers containing the same base. This pattern helped us to derive the rule for how to compute with negative exponents. Students were cautioned to not be tricked into making the answer a negative number just because the exponent is negative. Instead, students were encouraged to think "one over" or "flip over".

Tonight's Homework:
Home Bood page 49 (32-55, all)

Friday, April 01, 2011

Ballet Cancels Second Period

The morning class was canceled today, due to the field trip students took to the Hult Center to see the ballet.

Sixth period students practiced computing with exponents during class today.

Tonight's Homework: Nothing new for you. Please come prepared for class on Monday.