Algebra, Period 3

Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States

Friday, February 29, 2008

Bridge, Statistics and Review

Today, Laurie Rowe visited our class to invite students to learn how to play bridge. She'll be teaching a class on Thursdays after school during the months of March and April.

Students received their chapter 7 tests back today. Most students did very well. Students were given a task to determine the statistics for the class data, including stem and leaf plot, box and whisker plot, mean, median, mode and range.

We reviewed how to find multiples, factors, least common multiples and greatest common factors today, in preparation of the upcoming state tests.

Tonight's Homework:
Read pages 777 and 778, and then do the even numbered problems on page 778.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Multiplication of Exponents Review

The use of exponents in multiplication problems can be confusing. Sometimes, using tables to determine patterns will help you to understand how to find exponential patterns, and help you determine the base and the exponent of an expression. Today's assignment is a review one, primarily because I am at home trying to get well.

Tonight's Homework: Page 448, ( 1 - 10), Page 454 ( 63 - 68 ), and Page 455 ( 86 - 105).

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 2 of the Chapter 7 Test

Students finished the chapter 7 test today.

Tonight's Homework:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Chapter 7 Test, part 1

While I was off field tripping with my 7th graders, you got to have a quiet period where you could show me what you knew about linear systems. Hope things went well for you.

Tonight's Homework:
Complete the worksheet you received in class today. Remember, part 2 of the test is tomorrow.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Rules for Multiplying Exponents

The test over chapter 7 will be split into 2 parts. Part one will be given on Tuesday, and part 2 will be given on Wednesday. Be sure to prepare yourself for this--looking at pages 440 - 442 would be a good idea.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 8.1 ( 22 - 59, FCO ). Those wishing to earn a little extra credit may complete the odd problems on pages 440 - 442.

P.S. We missed you, Read, Maddy, Elaina and Bryce. Hope to see you soon!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Systems Work Sample

As we wind up chapter 7, we used today's class period to complete a work sample that dealt with linear systems. Because this took many students most of the class period, there was no formal homework assigned for over the weekend. It would, however, be wise to begin studying for the upcoming chapter 7 test, which will be given in class on Tuesday, February 26th.

Tonight's Homework:

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Reviewing for the Chapter 7 Test

Story problems are giving several students trouble, so we reviewed how to set them up. Then we reviewed for the upcoming test.

Tonight's Homework:
Page 803 (FCO)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Story Problems

As we near the end of chapter 7, it is time to see how this type of math might be used in the real world. This means today is story problem day--and lots of them! Students received a worksheet to complete, as well as a book assignment.

The chapter 7 test will be given on Tuesday, February 26th.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the worksheet and do all problems on page 821.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Graphing Systems of Linear Inequality

After reviewing how to graph inequalities, we applied those rules to graphing systems of inequalities. We will continue this discussion tomorrow, when we'll try to apply the rules to real-life situations.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 7.6 ( 9 - 14 all and 16 - 28, center column only)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Short Class = Story Problem Practice

Class was shortened today because of the Recognition Assembly that was held earlier in the day. Congratulations to all who were recognized today, including Adrienne and Maddie from our class. We worked on setting up story problems today, and then played with the palms a bit.

Tonight's Homework: Complete at least 3 of the story problems listed on the worksheet you received in class today. Completing more will earn you some extra credit. Most of all, enjoy your long weekend!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

After reviewing last night's story problems, we took our edible statistics quiz. I hope you enjoyed your conversational hearts.

Tonight's Homework:
Complete the rest of your quiz. Remember, I expect you to be honest and not use any notes, books, or help from anyone.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Real Life Uses for Linear Systems

Well, now we are going to see how to use linear systems to solve story problems. The biggest stumbling block for completing tonight's homework will be setting up the equations from the written text. Read carefully, and you should be successful!

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 7.2 ( 42 - 46 ) and Lesson 7.4 ( 48 and 51 - 53 )

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Special Cases Involving Linear Systems

Today, we learned about systems of equations that produce parallel lines or coincidental lines (ones that are on top of each other). Students then took a quiz over the first 4 sections of chapter 7.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 7.5 ( 12 - 27, all)

Monday, February 11, 2008

When Will We Ever Use This Stuff?

Students generally did well on their homework from Friday, although the graphing component gave some people problems. We revisited one of the problem solving activities we did earlier in the room and saw how using one of the methods for solving systems of equations would have made solving the problem so much easier and quicker. In addition, students would have been able to score 5's and 6's on the problem, rather than the usual 4's.

Students worked in groups to create simple story problems that could be solved with systems of equations. Some groups used vehicles as the basis for their problem, while others used cakes or oddly-shaped monsters. The five creative problems became tonight's homework.

Tonight's Homework:
Complete and check each of the 5 problems your classmates created for us today. In addition, be ready to take a quiz over this material tomorrow.

Friday, February 08, 2008

More Practice with Solving Linear Systems

Students were asked to solve 5 different linear systems problems today. Each problem needed to be solved 3 different ways (graphing, substitution, and linear combinations).

Tonight's Homework: Finish the problems you started in class today.

Grace and Bryce: If you would like the problems for tonight's homework so you don't get too far behind, send me an e-mail and I will get them to you.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Solving Linear Systems with Linear Combination

Lesson 7.3 offers you another way to solve systems of linear equations, and as in Lesson 7.2, it requires you to use a series of steps. Please refer to your notes or the steps on page 411 of your textbook as you complete the assignment tonight. Tonight, you need to do all of the problems using the linear combination method.

Tonight's Homework:
Lesson 7.3 ( 32 - 41 ) Be sure to show the check step, too!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Using Substitution to Solve Linear Equations

Another way to solve combinations of linear equations is detailed in lesson 7.2. The them of this lesson is using the substitution method to solve systems of equations. Students should read this lesson, paying special attention to the 5 steps to follow listed on the first page of the lesson. Because these types of problems have many steps to them, fewer homework problems will be assigned.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 7.1 ( 17 - 32, FCO ). Be sure to read the lesson, as well.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Using Graphs to Solve Systems of Linear Equations

Today, we will be working with pairs of linear equations (called linear combinations) to determine the point at which the two lines intersect. To do this, we graph each line of the pair on the same grid and then read the coordinates of the point of intersection. The tough part of this activity is to write the equations in slope-intercept form1

Tonight's Homework: Read Lesson 7.1, and then do problems 17 - 32, FCO.