Algebra, Period 3

Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Combining Like Terms

Students worked in groups to practice combining like terms today. Students found that adding the terms was simpler than subtracting them.

Tonight's Homework: Read pages 31-35. Do pages 34-35 ( 1 - 19 and 29 - 33 ).

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Vocabulary, Galore

Students realized that reading the supporting material in the textbook can really improve performance on homework!

Today, we spent time learning definitions of the following words: term, like terms, coefficient, variable, expression, power, base and exponent. These terms will be used regularly for the rest of the year, and will be the focus of the next two concept tests.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the Exponents worksheet. No calculators, please!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fraction Simplification Review

Students received their graded tests today to review. Most did very well. Those who did not pass the test will need to come in and review errors with me at their earliest convenience.

We talked about lunch time help and my availability to provide extra help for algebra students during this time.

Students worked in groups of four to complete a group jeopardy activity that covers the important points of our next unit. Some of the questions were review in nature, while others cover material that will be included in our instruction in the next week or so.

Tonight's Homework:
Page 213 (1 - 24 all)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Concept 16 Test Taken Today

Students completed the first of many concept tests in class today.

Tonight's Homework:
None! Enjoy the beautiful day!

Friday, September 24, 2010

First Concept Test Will Be Given on Monday

We reviewed the practice test answers today in class. Any student wishing to review this in more depth (or in need of help on particular problems) should plan to come in for help prior to the test on Monday (resource or lunch time). Students completed a reflective activity in class today.

Tonight's Homework: Study for Monday's test. Review homework you've completed, the first chapter of your books and your notes. Complete the yellow review sheet if you did not do so in class today.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Practicing for Concept Test 16

We reviewed information located in our textbook about statistics. Students were given a practice test for the material we've covered thus far. The real test will be given in class on Monday.

Tonight's Homework:
Complete all problems on the Practice Test for Concept 16.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lines of Best Fit

Using a series of different scatter plots, students determined the line of best fit. We also talked about correlation. Scatterplots can show a positive correlation, negative correlation, or no correlation. If the data collected shows that as one value rises, so does the other, then the correlation is positive. If the data shows that as one value rises, the other falls, then the correlation is negative.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the Line of Best Fit worksheets (yellow). A test over the statistics unit will be given on Monday, September 27th. Please start preparing for it now!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Candy Data Used for Box and Whisker Plots

Using baggies of M & M's, students collected data about the number of each color of candy that was in the bag, as well as the total number of candy pieces. Students were asked to order the data, find the mean, median, mode, and range for each of the subsets of data (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown, and total).

Tonight's Homework: Find the mean, median, mode and range for your data. Make box and whisker plots for the subsets of data. Be sure to use a ruler and color.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Creating a Box and Whisker Plot

Students learned how to make a box and whisker plot today. first, vocabulary was shared about what the different parts were called. Then we created several different plots, using a variety of data. Titles, dots, ruled lines, and a number line are all parts of the plot. We discussed what quartiles were, and analyzed a couple of pre-made plots.

Tonight's Homework: Finish the histogram worksheet, and make a box and whisker plot for the EasyCBM test data. Also, please share your grade slip with a parent and have them sign it.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Stem and Leaf Plot Review

Students reviewed the major components of a stem and leaf plot: Title, stem and leaf columns, and key or legend. Data should be organized in an ordered manner (low to high).

We spent a little time talking about the importance of getting things turned in on time and with names on the papers.

Tonight's Homework: Make stem and leaf plot for the 7th and 8th grade Easy CBM data. You may choose to use either the raw scores or the percentile rankings. You may also choose to make one combined or two separate plots. Also, complete the yellow worksheets on mean, median and mode.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Measures of Central Tendency

Students reviewed how to find the mean, median, mode and range of a set of data. Most of the class time was devoted to working on the measures of central tendency worksheet (yellow) and creating two well-labeled histograms of the testing data that was tabled last night (as homework).

Tonight's Homework: Complete both sides of the mean, median and mode worksheet (yellow). Create two well-labeled histograms. If you would prefer a little challenge, you can prepare one double-bar histogram, which shows the results from both grade levels in one graph. Those choosing to do this will need to include colored bars and a key.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Histograms and Frequency Tables

After reviewing the problem solving worksheets, we looked at the special features of a histogram. Titles, labels, equally spaced intervals, and ruled lines are all important features of the histogram. We also talked about the difference between tally marks and frequency. Tally marks are just slashes (crossed at each group of 5) while frequency is represented by an actual number. The cumulative frequency can be thought of as the running total.

Tonight's Homework: Make two tally/frequency tables; one should be of the 7th grade test results and the other should show the 8th grade test results. You will be using these tables in class tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

EasyCBM Testing Replaces Instruction Today

Today, all students took the district math test, designed to give us a snapshot of skill proficiency at the beginning of the school year. A similar test will be administered in late May, and hopefully, all students will show gains in their scores over the course of the school year.

Tonight's Homework: Be sure to have the two "Spot" worksheets done and ready to turn in tomorrow.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Math with Sticky Notes

Today, we reviewed the Venn diagram worksheet, and then turned it in. Students in period 6 turned in the yellow sheet. Second period students will turn this in on Tuesday. We used problem solving strategies to help us solve two different problems. Using sticky notes with numbers written on them can help with the process, and eliminate papers with holes in them due to excessive erasures.

Tonight's Homework: Work on the two handouts you received in class today ("Math on the Spot" and "That's Sum Face"). Both are due at the beginning of the class period on Wednesday.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Finishing Up with Venn Diagrams

Students worked on more of the review problems today, and we corrected problems 11 - 21 in class. Fraction skills seem to be a bit rusty for some. (Be sure to come in and see me if this is the case for you.) We then explored the Venn diagram by using student information and converting responses into number to solve different problems.

Tonight's Homework: Complete both sides of the Venn diagram worksheet you received in class today. Period 6 students need to complete the yellow review sheet, if not finished in class today. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

And We're Off!

Welcome to Algebra and the 2010-2011 school year!

Today was the first day of school for 7th and 8th graders. Our algebra classes, though HUGE, are filled with conscientious students who did a great job today. We talked about how to access missed work, and the importance of doing your homework nightly and staying caught up with algebra assignments. Then we worked on a set of problems that covered topics learned in math classes last year.

Tonight's Homework: Read the "Missed Algebra" handout and share it with your parent. Bring the signed handout back to class on Friday.