We reviewed expectations for taking the state test over math topics this week. Students should bring a calculator they are familiar with to class. All scratch paper will be collected each day. No electronic devices may be listened to during the test. We'll spend about 35 minutes on the test over the next three days. Many students will need all of that time to complete the test, while others will not. Respecting the needs of others is paramount.
I took some time to answer questions about the test's content, since it will be different for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. A considerable amount of time was spent on sharing strategies and going over proportions.
Tonight's Homework: CME, page 504-5 (1-9). This will not be due until the end of the week, but you should get at least a few of the problems done tonight. Bring your CME book to class each day, in case you get done early.
Get a good night's sleep and come ready to "slay" the math test on Tuesday!