Algebra, Period 3

Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States

Friday, September 28, 2012

Measures of Central Tendency: Which Should I Use?

Today's lesson reviews numerical and visual ways of summarizing data. At the core of this review is the concept of “average”—that, when looking at data, people have a desire to glean from it some information about the typical person or object. Mean, median, and mode provide three different numerical measures of the average. Students will likely be familiar with the three measures. This lesson challenges students’ thinking about • what characteristics of a data set affect each measure • in what situations one measure is more meaningful than the others Students took notes about each of the measures of central tendency so they can refer to them in the upcoming days.

Tonight's Homework: Pages 226 - 228 ( 2 - 7 ).

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mean, Median, Mode and Range

Today's lesson allows students to show what they already know about analyzing data, using somewhat realistic and meaningful data. Students learned how to create a stem and leaf plot, and learned that I will be very picky when evaluating them.

Tonight's Homework: Pages 220 - 222 ( 2, 5, 6, and 7 ).

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How Long is Thirty Seconds?

We did an activity in class today to see how accurately we could predict how long thirty seconds is. We separated the data into two subsets: predictions from boys, and predictions from girls. This data was translated into a double stem and leaf plot. Students were to determine the range, mean, median and mode of this data, as well as write a meaningful summary about what the data suggests.

Tonight's Homework: Make sure your new textbook is covered. Finish the stem and leaf plot for the data collected during the 30 second guess activity. Do pages 221-222 ( 3, 4, and 8 ).

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Making Sense of Cents

Students looked at the mint dates of pennies today during class. The data collected in class was turned into a data table, frequency chart, bar graph and histogram.

Tonight's Homework: Finish the penny investigation. Be sure to a make well-labeled data table, histogram, bar graph and frequency table. Find the range, median, mean, and mode of the data you collected.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Finishing Up With Absolute Value

We looked at the characteristics of the absolute value function and agreed that it has the look of a "V". Depending on the other parts of the function, we found that the location of the "V" can move up or down on the coordinate grid, as well as left or right. It can also flip over in certain cases. Some students determined that they did not select enough data points to come up with the "V" shape on the graph.

Tonight's Homework: Create a well-labeled data table and colorful bar graph or histogram of the penny mint dates you collected in class today. Getting your grade slip signed is also part of your homework tonight.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Yet Another Function? Absolutely!

Today, students investigated the attributes of an absolute value function. Using a set of 5 to 7 equations that included the absolute value notation, students created tables so they could graph the equations. This time, we tried to put all of the information on one graph, using different colors to represent the different equations. The goal is to discover patterns that exist in the different absolute value functions.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the investigation you started in class. Be sure to include a paragraph or two that summarizes your findings.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wrapping Up Our Investigation About Functions

Today, we looked at linear, quadratic and square root functions to determine if there are some similarities and differences between the graphs of each function. Students took notes to help them understand all of the vocabulary they've been introduced to this week.

Tonight's Homework: None. Enjoy the night off--you've earned it!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Solving Linear Equations: A Review

The curriculum assumes students are proficient at solving multi-step linear equations. During our discussion today, it became apparent that not all students were exposed to the steps for solving equations, so I took a little time to go over them. It seems like more practice on this will be necessary in the days to come.

Tonight's Homework: Problems 1-36 through 1-39.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Looking at the Square Root Function

Students reviewed vocabulary they've learned over the last week and applied it to a new function today--the square root function. Before getting started, we strategized about ways to make working with square roots easier (like picking only certain values for x). Students chose three equations to investigate from a list of about 8, and then made tables and graphs for each. Afterwards, students were asked to write summary statements about the square root functions they worked with.

Tonight's Homework: Problems 1-30 (any three), 1-33 and 1-35.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The First of Many Grade Slips Were Distributed Today

To cement our learning and understanding about quadratic functions, students were given time to create a poster that visually explained the depth of their understanding. Each student had a different function to evaluate. Students were given poster paper, time and art supplies to help them get started on this problem.

Tonight's Homework:
Do problems 1-24, 1-25, and 1-27. Get your grade slip signed and bring it back to school on Tuesday (optional).

Friday, September 14, 2012

Exploring the Quadratic Function

Students used their time in class to explore characteristics of a particular quadratic equation. In particular, students were asked to look for possible x and y intercepts, lines of symmetry, the vertex of the function, and whether it has a maximum or minimum. Students used their time wisely in class, and got a good start on tonight's homework.

Tonight's Homework: Complete problems 1-24, 1-26, 1-28 and 1-29. On problem 1-24, be sure your poster is neat and complete.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Looking at Growth Functions, Day 2

We talked about the similarities and difference between linear, inverse and exponential functions. Each takes on a particular shape when graphed on the coordinate plane. Students took notes on key features of each type of function, and then began working on today's problems.

Tonight's Homework:
Finish problems 1-11 and 1-12. Do problems 1-18 through 1-22. All of this work will be due at the beginning of tomorrow's class.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Investigating Growth Patterns through Activities

Students worked in groups and completed three short activities. These activities provided students with three sets of data that they will need to analyze more closely this evening.

Tonight's Homework: Problem 1-9 and problems 1-13 through 1-17. Be thorough and neat!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Function Machines and Reviewing Absolute Value

We reviewed the answers to last night's homework, and then talked more about how the book is laid out. Students were reminded to read all of the information on the pages leading up to the problems, as important definitions and reminders are contained on those pages. Students worked in groups today to start on today's problems, and what wasn't finished in class becomes tonight's homework.

Tonight's Homework:
Do problems 1-3 through 1-8.

Monday, September 10, 2012

College Prep Math, Here We Come!

Students were sorted into groups using little cards containing multiple versions to express a particular situation. This activity took a lot longer than anticipated, so we eased into the algebra experience.

Tonight's Homework: Problem 1-2. Show your work, and try to produce neat and legible work. Be sure to answer all parts of each part of this problem.

Friday, September 07, 2012

EasyCBM Testing Completed in Class Today

Students completed the district benchmarking test in class today by answering 45 math questions. While being tested, I distributed textbooks to each student. These textbooks need to be brought to class each day, as many of the problems we'll be tackling will come from the book.

Tonight's Homework:
None. Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Welcome to the 2012-2013 School Year!

The purpose of this blog is to serve as a back-up system for students to access homework related information when they miss a class unexpectedly (due to medical appointments, illness, office visits, etc.) and were unable to record homework in their planners. As a general rule, homework is written on the whiteboard or the overhead by the middle of class and ample time is allowed for students to copy this information onto their planners. Occasionally, homework assignments may be modified before the end of a class period, and if this happens after a student leaves for the day, checking this blog would be useful.

Both parents and students should benefit from the information posted on this blog.

Please note that this blog is not designed to replace the use of student planners, as there may be times when the homework assignment will not be posted in a timely manner (i.e. I am sick, I have afternoon and evening meetings, etc.). Students should always refer to their planners first, and use this as a method to double check. (I also encourage students to call a classmate to get information, or to call me. It's okay, and if I'm not available when called, leave a message so I know you tried!)

Most importantly, please know that I will not accept any blog-related excuses for not being able to complete and submit homework (the computer/internet was down/I forgot the address/the blog wasn't updated/etc.). Be sure to use other resources (your planner, a friend, me) should your computer connections fail you, and you don't wait until late in the evening to seek help!

Let's have a terrific year, and have a little fun with math!