Algebra, Period 3

Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States

Friday, September 30, 2005

Math on the Spot

Today, we reviewed our tests. Students who received lower scores than they would have liked are encouraged to review their tests, learn how to correctly solve the problems and retake the test on their own time between October 3rd and October 10th. Tests must be completed in one setting, and can be taken before or after school.

Tonight's homework is to complete the "Math on the Spot" worksheet. A written explanation is required, as is one of the 4 options laid out in the last question on the worksheet.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

No Homework Tonight!

We took our first chapter test today in class, and as a result of this, there is no homework to complete tonight. Enjoy an evening free of math!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Chapter One Test is Tomorrow

The first test of the year will be given on Thursday, September 29th. Be sure to know how to do the following things:

Define different sets of numbers

State formulae and use them to solve simple equations

Recognize the difference between expressions, equations, and inequalities

Recognize functions and functions

State rules for functions, if given a table of input and output values

Evaluate expressions, including those employing the use of order of operations

If you wish to get a little more practice, and a little extra credit while you're at it, complete the Chapter 1 Review problems and turn them in by Thursday, 6th period.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Homework for September 27th

Tonight, please read Lesson 1.7 and do the following problems: 1.7 ( 11 - 27 odd and 33 - 36 all). Be sure to show any work you do to solve equations.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Homework for September 26th

Today in class we took our second quiz and did a bit more review work. Hopefully, you had enough time to complete most of this assignment in class, but in case you didn't, here it is:

Page 38 (67 - 78 all)
Page 39 (1 - 13 all)
Page 45 (22 - 28 all)

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Not Another Quiz!

Yes, it's true! We will have another quiz on Friday. Be sure to study your formulae and set definitions. You will need to be able to solve simple equations, and I would look over the Venn diagramming worksheet, just in case this type of problem appears.

Homework for tonight (due on September 23rd) has two parts:

1.) Lesson 1.6 (8 -20)
2.) page 29 (69 - 76 all)

See you on Monday! (Be nice to Mrs. Dean. . .)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Lesson 1.5 and Review

Be sure to read Lesson 1.5 tonight. It may help you with part of tonight's homework. Please complete the following for September 22nd:

--Lesson 1.5 (15 - 57, only those problems that are divisible by 3)
--Page 30 (84 - 100 all)
--Page 22 --Quiz 1

Don't forget there's a quiz on Friday. Study the formulae and definitions you were given last week!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Homework for September 21st

Tonight's homework comes in two parts:

1.) Lesson 1.4 (15 - 63 odd) Be sure to read the lesson before completing these problems

2.) Teddy Bear Jump and Slide--Determine the number of moves it will take on level 5 (5 bears of a color on each side of the grid). For extra credit, find a pattern to help you determine the number of moves it would take you to move n bears on a side. Express this as a formula. Good luck!

A suggestion would be to arrange your data in a vertical chart, listing level number in the left column and number of moves in the right. This is a complicated pattern, but is something you can figure out with a little effort. The formula uses parantheses and exponents, if that's any help at all.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Homework for September 20th

Well, once again, tonight's homework comes in three parts:

1.) Get your grade slip signed and bring it back to class on Tuesday.

2.) Complete the "Simplify" problem solving worksheet. Try to break the problems into smaller, more manageable parts. For problems 3 and 4, try to find some patterns with the simpler problems, as these will help you with the final answer.

3.) Read Lesson 1.3 on Order of Operations, and then complete the odd problems from 13 to 39 . Be sure to show substitution steps when evaluating expressions. When you finish the last problem, use your book to correct your answers and put the number you got correct at the top of your paper.

Be reminded that you will have another quiz on Friday, September 23rd. Study those formulae and definintions of groups of numbers, as they will reappear in some fashion.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Homework for September 19th

Today's homework comes in two parts:

1.) Complete the "Work Backwards" problem solving sheet. Be sure to show how you "worked backwards" to solve each problem. Having the correct answer is not enough to receive full credit.

2.) Read Lesson 1.2 in your book about powers and exponents. Then complete problems 17-53 odd. Show work (steps) when evaluating expressions.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Homework for September 15th

Tonight's homework has three parts:

1.) Be sure to study for the quiz tomorrow over formulae and the different sets of numbers. Refer to your notes and remember, you cannot retake quizzes. Good luck!

2.) Complete the "Make and Use a Drawing or Model" worksheet. Remember to bring in any models you use.

3.) Complete Lesson 1.1 (19 - 32) from your textbook.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Homework for September 14th

Tonight you should complete both sides of the Venn diagram worksheet. Be sure to answer the questions that are printed at the very bottom of each problem. In addition, read the course description and sign it. Then have a parent do the same. If you have nothing better to do, check out the rest of the entries on this blog. Perhaps you'll let me know you saw it by saying something to me or writing something on your homework. Don't forget there's a quiz on Friday!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Course Description Information

On Wednesday, September 14th, I will distribute a course description to each member of the class. Students and parents are asked to read the information, sign the paper and return it to me by Thursday, September 15th. Feel free to ask for clarification if you need it.

What's on Friday's Quiz???

Yes, it's true. We will be taking our first quiz on Friday, September 16th. You will need to study for this quiz, so I thought you might want a hint on how to prepare. Be sure to study your notes from September 13th, 14th and 15th, as that information is fair game. In addition, be sure you know the formulae we discussed in class. Remember, you may not retake a quiz, so be sure to study ahead of time and come to class prepared to do your very best!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Homework from September 8-12

Homework Assignment from September 8, 2005--Complete the Sudoku Puzzle (Easy) Worksheet and write a summary on the back of the worksheet explaining strategies you used and whether they were successful or not.

Homework Assignment from September 9, 2005--Work the Sudoku Puzzle (Medium) Worksheet for 30 minutes, and again describe strategies you used and whether they were helpful in getting the solution to this puzzle. Enjoy your weekend!

Homework Assignment from September 12, 2005--Complete the Tower of Power Worksheet (just the front side) and convert your answer into a meaning number. Be sure to label your number, and show any conversions you might have made.

Homework Assignment from September 13, 2005--Complete the Make a Systematic List Worksheet. I am more concerned about the systematic lists (data tables) you construct than the actual "right" answer. Begin studying for the upcoming quiz over vocabulary and formulae.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Welcome to the 2005-06 School Year!

The purpose of this blog is to serve as a back-up system for students to access homework related information when they miss a class unexpectedly (due to medical appointments, illness, office visits, etc.) and were unable to record homework in their planners. As a general rule, homework is written on the whiteboard or the overhead by the middle of class and ample time is allowed for students to copy this information onto their planners. Occasionally, homework assignments may be modified before the end of a class period, and if this happens after a student leaves for the day, checking this blog would be useful.

Both parents and students should benefit from the information posted on this blog.

Please note that this blog is not designed to replace the use of student planners, as there may be times when the homework assignment will not be posted in a timely manner (i.e. I am sick, I have afternoon and evening meetings, etc.). Students should always refer to their planners first, and use this as a method to double check. (I also encourage students to call a classmate to get information, or to call me. It's okay, and if I'm not available when called, leave a message so I know you tried!)

Most importantly, please know that I will not accept any blog-related excuses for not being able to complete and submit homework (the computer/internet was down/I forgot the address/the blog wasn't updated/etc.). Be sure to use other resources (your planner, a friend, me) should your computer connections fail you, and don't wait until late in the evening to seek help!