Algebra, Period 3

Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States

Friday, February 27, 2009

Simplifying Radical Expressions

The rules that govern radical expressions are amazingly similar to those that govern expressions that involve exponents. We looked at these rules and worked through examples that featured the rules. Students had to remember how to factor numbers, and we emphasized that finding square number factors was our goal, since those numbers had whole number square roots.

Tonight's Homework: Complete all problems on the front side of the worksheet labeled 9.2. Don't forget to prepare for the concept 12 test, which you'll take on Tuesday.

Tony, Taylor should be delivering your worksheet to you this weekend.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Radical Introduction

After reviewing the homework from last night, we began talking about vocabulary associated with finding the square root of a number. Terms included radical, degree, number of solutions and radicand. We then developed a list of rules that govern the operations associated with computing with radical expressions. We will begin doing radical problems on Friday.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the black worksheet, which has practice problems for the concept 12 test, which will be taken in class on March 3 (Tuesday).

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Exponents, Growth and Decay Review

Students took a quiz over computing with exponents in class today. Afterwards, students had about 25 minutes to get started on tonight's review assignment over exponential growth and decay. The concept 12 test will be given in class on Tuesday, March 3rd, so start preparing for it now!

Tonight's Homework: Complete both sides of the exponential growth and decay worksheet.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Exponential Decay Models

Just as there are exponential growth models, there are also exponential decay models. Our penny flipping graphs show the shape of a graph of an exponential decay model. Today, we used the formula for exponential decay to determine how much of a thing would be left after a given amount of time. See Lesson 8.6 for more on the formula for exponential decay.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 8.6 ( 10 - 21, and then choose either 27 and 28, 30, or 31 and 32 ), and the blue worksheet. Be warned--a quiz over exponents will be taken in class on Wednesday.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Exponential Growth Models

Today we talked about how we can use our math in real world situations. Many students reported having money in savings accounts which earn interest. Using the exponential growth model, students can determine the value of their savings accounts over a period of time, provided they know the rate of interest, the time of the investment, and the original amount placed in the bank. Another use for the exponential growth model is to calculate the size of a population that is growing over time. See Lesson 8.5 for the equation that represents the exponential growth model.

Tonight's Homework: Blue worksheet on exponents and Lesson 8.5 ( 6 - 20 all ).

Friday, February 20, 2009

More on Computing with Exponents

Because students felt they needed more practice with computing with exponents, today's lesson was delayed until Monday. Instead, we did a review assignment related to Lessons 8.1 through 8.3.

Tonight's Homework: Page 804 (1 - 29, but not 17 - 20 ).

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Scientific Notation

We reviewed the way numbers can be written using scientific notation, and why this might be a useful process to employ when working with very large or very small numbers. We also reviewed how this ties into our study of multiplying and dividing with exponents.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 8.4 ( 16 - 51, FCO ) and Lesson 8.3 ( 43 - 48, all ).

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dividing Exponents

We covered the important points of Lesson 8.3 today. It would be a good thing to look this section over, especially if you were not taught about negative exponents in math last year.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 8.3 ( 11 - 30, all).

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Negative and Zero Exponents

Wow! Everyone came to class today. It's nice to see we are back to being healthy (at least for the time being).

Today, we reviewed rules for dealing with negative exponents and exponents of 0. Be sure to look over the written material in Lesson 8.2 if you missed a portion of my explanation.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 8.2 ( 15 - 45, problems divisible by 3, and 46 - 48 ). Then do Lesson 8.1 ( 49 - 54, all).

Friday, February 13, 2009

Problem Solving Activity Completed in Class

Today's class was shorter than normal, due to the Valentine Social taking place this afternoon. There was just enough time for students to complete an algebra-based work sample in class, complete with verification.

Tonight's Homework: Create a well-labeled and titled line graph of your penny flipping data from yesterday's class. This is due on Tuesday. Enjoy your three day weekend!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Multiplication of Exponents Properties

In Lesson 8.1, there are three basic properties that govern the multiplication of exponents. These are:

Product of Powers Property
Power of Power Property
Power of Products Property

Using these properties properly will make calculations much easier for you. Be sure to review lesson 8.1 of your math book for more on these properties.

Tonight's Homework: Lesson 8.1 ( 1 -21 all )

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Heart Data Collected and Analyzed

Students did an excellent job on their concept 11 tests. To celebrate, students collected data about the colors of conversation hearts found in a one ounce box. This data was put into a table, graphed and analyzed.

Tonight's Homework: Complete the circle graph and analysis of your hear candy data.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Finishing Up Systems of Linear Equations

Students took the Concept 11 test in class today. Tonight's homework reviews basic information related to graphing inequalities and exponents.

Tonight's Homework: Page 441 ( 19 and 20 ), page 442 ( 28, 31 and 32 ) and page 448 ( 1-11, all).

Monday, February 09, 2009

Reviewing Systems of Linear Equations

We pulled out the palms one more time to practice using the graphing method for solving systems of linear equations. Specifically, we looked at systems having no points of intersection (parallel lines), systems having exactly 1 point of intersection, and systems having an infinite number of solutions on the line (coincidental lines). Students received a purple practice sheet to complete and use to help them prepare for the concept 11 test, which will be taken in class on Tuesday.

Tonight's Homework: Complete both sides of the purple worksheet. You could also look over the information in chapter 7 of your book.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Round One of OAKS Math Testing is Nearly Complete

Students spent a quiet period working on tasks today. About half of the class worked on the state math test, and almost everyone is now finished with it. The other half of the class worked on the pink word problem worksheet.

Tonight's Homework: Complete 5 of the 7 problems listed on the worksheet, and show algebraic solutions to the problems. Be sure to label each of your answers. Doing more than 5 will earn you extra credit on this assignment.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Systems Quiz

What a different day today was! The desks were gone, due to parent conferences being held later this afternoon. Students completed a quiz over systems of linear equations today, and turned it in. This is practice for the upcoming concept 11 test, which will be given next week.

Tonight's Homework: None!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

State Testing--Day 2

Students continued taking the OAKS math test today. Although many finished the test today, we will continue with OAKS testing on Friday, February 6th. There will be a short quiz over solving systems of linear equations on Thursday (tomorrow).

Tonight's Homework: Page 444 ( 1 - 11 ). Work to support your answer must be shown to earn credit for this assignment. Study for tomorrow's quiz on solving systems of equations.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

State Testing--Day 1

After correcting last night's homework, we began taking round 1 of the state's math test. We will continue taking the test tomorrow. For all who have been absent, please know the Concept 11 test will be given early next week.

Tonight's Homework: Complete both sides of the pink review worksheet.

P.S. If you missed class today, perhaps you can plan to either come in for resource on Wednesday or Friday, or stay after school on Wednesday or Friday to take the OAKS math test. It will be better than missing even more school.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Practicing for the State Test

We reviewed our homework, and then worked in pairs to preview types of questions that might show up on the state math tests, which we will be taking this week. Students were able to refresh their memories on how to enlarge the text, strike through answers they know are not correct, and how to mark questions for further review. Many students learned how to make a comment to the state, as there was at least one problem that did not have a correct answer listed in the choices offered.

Tonight's Homework: Complete both sides of the pink worksheet that reviews concept 11 information. Get enough sleep tonight and eat a healthy breakfast and lunch tomorrow!